This design will be one of the outdoor bow perches I will provide for the falcons. It is the same design as the indoor bow but with longer legs that will be staked into the ground to provide stability.
Could you fill the "legs" with an appropriate diameter rebar to give the perch "weight" to prevent "toppling"? Not sure how much force a merlin big FRT used to "move" a 90lbs bow perch made of steel a half inch on one corner in the air(spooky strong!).
My interest in raptors started when I had the opportunity to rehabilitate an injured owl. Realizing I needed to learn much more about raptors and their needs I pursued the sport of falconry. I have used falconry equipment, training methods and experience to rehab many species of raptors. I also have bred many raptorial species. After 35 years as a rehabber I have more or less retired but still fly birds. I also have a strong interest in bird dogs and breed and train Small Munsterlanders, a great versatile breed for falconry as they will work many game species. Their strengths are pointing, retrieving from land or water and are excellent with people.
Could you fill the "legs" with an appropriate diameter rebar to give the perch "weight" to prevent "toppling"? Not sure how much force a merlin big FRT used to "move" a 90lbs bow perch made of steel a half inch on one corner in the air(spooky strong!).